create spirit home; establish a spirit awakening headquarters; support our programs and operations, and; create an endowment.
Now, more than ever, our communities must be equipped to provide safe spaces, resources and supportive and caring mentors to youth and young adults who have suffered from trauma, violence, substance abuse, homelessness, sex trafficking, and/or being systems-involved. In the Fall of 2020, the unanimous motion was passed by the LA County Board of Supervisors to dismantle the country’s largest and most complicated youth probation department within the next five years. As one of the leading organizations providing services and programs to underserved and systems-involved youth, Spirit Awakening has been asked to significantly expand the reach of our work to ensure our communities are well-equipped to provide alternatives to incarceration.
By reaching the goals of our capital campaign, Spirit Awakening will be able to sustain and expand the impactful, successful work we have been doing in communities all across LA County since 1995.
Will you join us in being part of this new solution?

To learn more, contact Jason Smolanoff, our Director of Corporate Giving, and Alex de Nocker, our Philanthropy Facilitator.